W. A. Connolly Memorial Baptist Church
Helena Avenue
Delbarton WV
What We Believe
At Connolly Memorial Baptist Church, we believe the Bible is God's holy word inspired by Our Creator intended to be obeyed by man. Nothing should be added by man nor should anything be taken away by man. It is the standard by which Christians should live.
CMBC History
From the very first meeting in January 1940, the W. A. Connolly Memorial Baptist Church has been serving the town of Delbarton and its surrounding area by sharing the word of God and being a constant in the lives of the people. Its first name was The Delbarton Baptist Church, but the name was changed in 1941 in memory of the first pastor.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13.
CMBC Pastor
Danny Mitchell
Rev. Danny Mitchell was called by God fifteen years ago to preach and is the current pastor at W. A. Connolly Memorial Baptist Church. Pastor Dan (as he is fondly known by church members), along with his wife, Rita, are formerly from Gilbert, but now live in South Charleston. They have served the church since 2009.
Sharing God's word from the heart of Delbarton WV
Events for the
Events for the current month will be available on this page. If there is a mistake, please contact the church secretary at 304-475-4266.